
Speech and language therapy - Langobardenstraße 51 Top 2, 1220 Vienna & Ilse-Buck-Straße 26 Top 52, 1220 Vienna  

As a speech and language therapist (SLT) I work closely with clients of all age groups who have various levels of speech, language and communications disorders; or with clients who have voice, swallowing, drinking or eating difficulties.

I believe that the key to a successful outcome as a speech therapist is when therapist and patient establish a connection and work together to achieve the desired improvements. I work towards creating this connection through a respectful and friendly approach with not only the client but their families as well. I enjoy working with the international community and speak fluent German and English. My time living and working outside Europe has given me a perfect foundation for understanding and working with different cultures. As a mother of three beautiful children I enjoy specializing in helping children with special needs and have had lots of success working with numerous young autistic patients.

Common reasons why speech therapy is needed are:

Communication or language disorders 

Including problems with expression and reception (speech – language delay/ impairment), problems with bilingualism, aphasia, autism, cerebral palsy.

Speech disorders 

Such as problems with articulation when sounds cannot be produced adequately, fluency disorders such as stuttering, apraxia of speech, dysarthria.

Dysphagia/ oral feeding disorders

Symptoms can be pain when swallowing, hoarseness, choking, coughing, a feeling that food is stuck after swallowing, gurgling or regurgitation. This can be due to nerve or muscle problems, changes in structures (congenital or due to accidents, radiation therapy or operations)

Voice disorders 

Including problems with phonation, resonance, loudness and pitch. 

This can be classified as hyperfunctional voice disorders (with or without functional lesions), voice disorders during childhood or mutation, psychogenic voice disorders, voiced disorders in relation to neurological or structural problems


As a “Wahllogopädin” I am licenced by all insurance companies in Austria. I do, however, not have a contract with them. This means that your insurance company will cover most of the costs after you have submitted a claim. A “Verordnungsschein” (referral) by your doctor is needed for that. You will then also need to have this signed by your insurance company (“chefärztliche Bewilligung”).

About me:


10/2006 - 10/2008      Graduate Studies of Teaching- and Researchlogopaedics at RWTH                           Aachen University with Diplom (MSc equivalent)

08/2002 - 06/2006      Undergraduate Studies of Speech and Language Therapy                                                                    (Logopaedics) at Hogeschool Zuyd, Netherlands with Bachelor of Health

I regularly attend training courses and conferences to ensure the highest quality for my clients’ needs. In addition to that a respectful and friendly relationship with the clients and their families is very important to me. A successful outcome can best be achieved when both sides work together well.

I am a member of logopaediaustria (Austria’s speech and language therapists association) and also accredited by NZSTA (New Zealand’s speech and language therapists’ association). 

I am licensed to work as a speech and language therapist in:




New Zealand

Please contact me in case you need further information.